Where Might You Want To Have A Small Window Added To Your Home?

Most people assume that the number of windows that their home has is the number of windows the home always has to have. This is not true. You can definitely have windows added to your home after the fact. And actually, a lot of people benefit from having small windows added to one or more of the following places inside their homes.

The Laundry Room

The laundry room is often considered a second-rate space. You may not put that much effort into decorating it because it's a room you use basically for functional purposes. However, adding a small window to the space is a good idea, and not just for aesthetic reasons. A small awning window that you can open when desired gives you a way to ventilate the laundry room, which is really handy when it gets humid. The window will also let in some sunshine, which will help keep mold from growing in the laundry room. (Most mold prefers to grow in darker places.)

The Hallway

If you have a hallway that has an exterior wall, it's not a bad idea to have a small window placed in the wall. As long as you place the window on eye level, it won't really impact your privacy in a negative way. However, the window will let in some light, which may keep you from having to turn on your overhead lights in the early morning and evening. Plus, having a window on the wall gives you a good focal point when you decorate the hallway. And a well-decorated hallway is nice since it's a shared space that guests do often see.

The Attic

When you venture into your attic, perhaps to put some things in storage or check on your roof, you probably have trouble seeing clearly. Adding a small window to the attic can help light the space up a bit, making it easier for you to see. As in the laundry room, a window in the attic can also let in some light to help thwart mold growth. It will be nice to climb up there and not be faced with a musty, moldy smell.

If you want to have a window added to your home, talk to a window replacement company in your area. They can advise you as to the best type of window to choose for your desired location, and they can also give you more advice.
